Here's a code snippet to generate a random string in Clojure. This is something I end up using a many projects. This is a version that is not made to be the shortest, but the most readable. And as you can see, access to Java's classes and libraries is very easy:
:use java's random generator
(def random (java.util.Random.))
;define characters list to use to generate string
(def chars
(map char (concat (range 48 58) (range 66 92) (range 97 123))))
;generates 1 random character
(defn random-char []
(nth chars (.nextInt random (count chars))))
; generates random string of length characters
(defn random-string [length]
(apply str (take length (repeatedly random-char))))
Suggestions to improve the code are welcome, I'm still a newbie in Lisp-style programming and Clojure!