Here's a code snippet to generate a random string in Clojure. This is something I end up using a many projects. This is a version that is not made to be the shortest, but the most readable. And as you can see, access to Java's classes and libraries is very easy:
:use java's random generator
(def random (java.util.Random.))
;define characters list to use to generate string
(def chars
(map char (concat (range 48 58) (range 66 92) (range 97 123))))
;generates 1 random character
(defn random-char []
(nth chars (.nextInt random (count chars))))
; generates random string of length characters
(defn random-string [length]
(apply str (take length (repeatedly random-char))))
Suggestions to improve the code are welcome, I'm still a newbie in Lisp-style programming and Clojure!
A slightly modified version, without using Java's random and with corrected ranges for the characters. (Annoying that blogger won't allow code or pre tags...)
(map char (concat (range 48 58) ; 0-9
(range 66 91) ; A-Z
(range 97 123)))) ; a-z
(defn random-char []
(nth VALID-CHARS (rand (count VALID-CHARS))))
(defn random-str [length]
(apply str (take length (repeatedly random-char))))
Jeff, I think you meant:
(range 65 91) ; A-Z
Don't want to forget A!
Jeff, your random-char function could be simplified like this:
(defn random-char []
(random-nth VALID-CHARS))
Yeah, now we can use rand-nth, but this function wasn't around when I first commented.
This is my version:
(defn random-string [length]
(let [ascii-codes (concat (range 48 58) (range 66 91) (range 97 123))]
(apply str (repeatedly length #(char (rand-nth ascii-codes))))))
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
UUID version:
(defn new-uuid []
(Integer/toString (.nextInt random) 36)
Microsoft-style product keys
(defn r1ss [] (clojure.string/upper-case (Integer/toString (.nextInt random Integer/MAX_VALUE) 36)))
(defn r25s [] (->> (repeatedly r1ss)
(apply concat)
(take 25)
(partition 5)
(map (partial apply str))
(interpose "-")
(apply str)))
This is gorgeous!
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